Carmel by the Sea

Carmel by the Sea Map

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Many people have been reaching out to me recently asking about Carmel by the Sea Map that I have created. So I decided to write this quick guide with the link to the map provided below.

First of all, let’s set things straight geographically, so to speak. When we talk about “Map of Carmel”, we really talk about Carmel by the Sea map, not Carmel Valley. There is only 20 minutes drive between the two locations but these two “Carmels” cannot be any more different.

Carmel Valley is inland, much hotter and known for its wineries and hiking. Carmel by the Sea is a coastal town famous for its whimsical architecture, art galleries and cute shops. And that is where my Carmel by the Sea Map comes in.

My super handy and unique map of Carmel has specific locations of the best storybook houses and secret alleys in Carmel by the Sea. It is really hard to come by the specific locations of those famous houses and secret alleys in Carmel on your own. Why? Because, first of all, secret alleys are called “secret” for a reason – very few people know about them. Second of all, tour companies in Carmel by the Sea don’t want you to know about these cool locations because otherwise you won’t pay for their expensive tours.

In addition to storybook cottages and secret alleys my map of Carmel also have some other surprising attractions for you.

In order to create my Carmel by the Sea map, I researched the Internet for hours, studying the history of the town. Then I personally drove down to Carmel to check all those locations that I had discovered and to make sure my map of Carmel is accurate.

So the result is a detailed self-guided walking tour map of Carmel that is easy to use because it is created in a familiar Google Maps format.

How to get your copy of Carmel by the Sea map

  1. To purchase my map of Carmel, please, press “Buy Now” button bellow the town map image and it will take you directly to PayPal payment page.
  2. You don’t need to indicate shipping method
  3. Carmel by the Sea map  will be sent to you (to the e-mail address indicated in PayPal) via a link within 24 hours of payment.
  4. The map of Carmel will be yours to use as many times as you want.

If for whatever reason the payment button below malfunctions you can PayPal $7.50 directly to me at tasorokina(at)yahoo(dot)com and indicate “Map” in comments and I will e-mail you the link to my map of Carmel within 24 hours.

Thank you for your purchase of my Carmel by the Sea map and I hope you will enjoy your walking tour of this picturesque and whimsical town!


Beautiful mural of Carmel by the Sea

Price: $7.50


If you would like to learn more about Carmel by the Sea and Carmel Valley, beyond the storybook cottages and secret alleys, check out my article The Tale of Two Towns – Things to do in Carmel Valley and Carmel-by-the-Sea

If you found my Carmel by the Sea map useful, please, share this post with others as it may help them with their travel plans. Please, note, that you cannot share the actual link to the map of Carmel with other people because authorization to access the map is given to a specified user identified by e-mail address from which the PayPal payment has been received. So even if you share the link, they won’t be able to see the map.

2 thoughts on “Carmel by the Sea Map”

  1. I have seen maps like these for towns and villages on the East coast. They can be extremely helpful. I will have to bookmark for when we have the opportunity to travel here. What a fantastic resource! -Andrea

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