
7 Best Places for Bird Watching in Bay Area

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Bird watching in Bay Area is an exciting, educational and COVID-19 safe activity. We are a bit spoiled here in San Francisco Bay Area in terms of bird watching because there are so many species of birds that call this area home and lots of spots where to see them in big quantities. Below is the list of our most favorite places for bird watching in Bay Area.

#1 Bird Watching in Bay Area – Pescadero Marsh Nature Reserve

Pescadero Marsh is located along HW 1 a little South of Half Moon Bay and it famous for water fowl and beautiful Great Egrets. There are two waterways running through the marsh, Butano and Pescadero Creeks which attract lots of birds. There are several hiking trails along the creeks that are never crowded. This is probably the most peaceful place to do bird watching in Bay Area. Check out our cool video of the are filmed with drone:

#2 Bird Watching in Bay Area – Coyote Pointe Recreation Area

Coyote Point Recreation Area in San Mateo is a great option for bird watching in Bay Area when there is low tide. Lots of birds that find their food in the mud, such as avocets, stilts, dowitchers and others flock here for a nice meal. From time to time you can also spot gorgeous Snowy Egrets. The best place for birdwatching at this location is near Coyote Point Yacht Club and Marina. There is a trail that runs along the Bay that offers prime viewing spots.

#3 Bird Watching in Bay Area – Coyote Hills Regional Park

Coyote Hills Regional Park (not to be mixed with Coyote Point) is located in Fremont and it is the best bird watching destination in East Bay. The best birding spots are located along the waterways, in the marsh. There are several trails that lead you in and around the marsh where you can see plenty of water fowl: ducks, coots and many others – here is a handy detailed list. Check out our detailed video review of the Park:

#4 Bird Watching in Bay Area – Pilar Point Harbor

Pilar Point Harbor in El Granada is a fantastic spot for bird watching in Bay Area because it attracts the birds that feed from the ocean: pelicans, seagulls but also blue herons. Often big schools of fish get into or close to the harbor and you can witness an amazing bird feeding frenzy, mostly by pelicans. But more predictively, fisherman bring in lots of fish every day, some of which they clean, gut and fillet at the harbor and one or two blue herons are waiting about to snap the leftovers.

#5 Bird Watching in Bay Area – Half Moon Bay

Coastal trails in Half Moon Bay, such as Half Moon Bay Coastal Trail and Cowell-Purisima Coastal Trail are great for bird watching because on the one hand you have the ocean where you can spot gulls and pelicans, on the other hand you have fields where you can see birds of prey searching for food (typically mice). We saw gorgeous hawks in the area that are a delight to observe hunting. They don’t pay much attention to people so you can come really close.

#6 Bird Watching in Bay Area – Baylands Nature Preserve

Balylands Nature Preserve is located in Palo Alto. It is one of my most favorite places for bird watching in Bay Area. It has 15 miles of trails away from the hustle and bustle of the Peninsular and yet it is right in the middle of it and very easy to get to. Most of the trails go along the marsh and the Preserve is best visited at low tide to see all the “mud dwellers” searching for food: avocets, stilts, sandpipers, yellowlegs and many others. There were so many birds when we visited! It felt like we saw thousands of them. Here is a detailed list of what birds you can see in the preserve. Check our video below for the amazing views of Baylands and its inhabitants:

#7 Bird Watching in Bay Area – Golden Gate Park, San Francisco

Stow Lake in Golden Gate Park is excellent for watching water fowl. Different species of ducks and geese are the regulars but you can also get a glimpse of some of more rarely seen birds such as grebes, pintails, hawks and falcons. I found this great website that lists all the birds that you can spot at the Stow Lake -check it out HERE. To see the birds you can either hike around the lake or around the Strawberry Hill that is located in the lake or even better, you can rent a boat at the Stow Lake boathouse and “mingle” with the birds on the water.

Also birds frequent San Francisco Botanical Garden located in Golden Gate Park. On various trails we saw ducks, herons, hawks, falcons, hummingbirds and other species. You are guaranteed to see at least some birds at the pond located at the entrance to the garden.

Other notable birdwatching places in Bay Area

There are other good bird watching locations in Bay Area that may not have a huge abundance of birds but still offer a decent amount of species to observe: the pond in front of the Palace of Fine Arts and Lake Merced in San Francisco, Oyster Point in South San Francisco, Shoreline Park in Mountain View, Blair Island Wildlife Refuge and Trail in Redwood City. As you may have noticed there is one common feature about all these locations – water. So technically, anywhere near the water, on the Bay or near city ponds you will be able to enjoy at least some birdwatching.

What are your own favorite places for bird watching in Bay Area? Please, share in the comments below!

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2 thoughts on “7 Best Places for Bird Watching in Bay Area”

  1. Although I have been lucky enough to visit a few of these places, I’ve never taken the time to birdwatch. I’ll definitely try to be more aware of birds and other natural wildlife when I visit places. Thanks for the article!

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