How To Deal With Kids’ Travel Tantrums

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As an experienced mother who has traveled extensively with my own children, I understand that navigating the world of travel with kids can be both exciting and daunting. One of the most challenging aspects of traveling with kids is dealing with their tantrums. 

In this article, I will discuss some techniques and strategies that you can use to address and overcome these travel tantrums.

Understanding the Reasons Behind the Tantrums

It’s essential to understand that tantrums are a normal part of childhood development. Travel tantrums are often an expression of your child’s discomfort or stress, which could stem from hunger, exhaustion, or even overstimulation. 

To prevent or reduce tantrums, try to identify the underlying cause and address it promptly. For example, ensure your child is well-rested, fed, and hydrated during your travels.

Don’t Let the Tantrums “Get to You”

As a parent, it’s important to recognize that your child’s tantrums are not a reflection of your parenting abilities. Tantrums are simply a part of growing up, and they will eventually subside as your child matures. 

Maintain a calm and composed demeanor when dealing with tantrums, as your reaction can either escalate or de-escalate the situation. Remember that you are the adult, and it’s your responsibility to model appropriate behavior for your child.

Let Your Child Know That You Understand

When your child is experiencing a tantrum, it’s essential to show empathy and understanding. Acknowledge their feelings and emotions by saying something like, “I understand that you’re upset right now.” This validation can help your child feel heard and may even help them calm down faster.

Children Are More Likely to Respond to Their Mothers

Children often feel more comfortable and secure around their mothers, making them more likely to respond positively to them during a tantrum. Use this bond to your advantage by calmly and patiently addressing the situation. Avoid raising your voice or becoming confrontational, as this may only exacerbate the problem.

Establish a Routine

Creating a travel routine can help your child feel more at ease and reduce the likelihood of tantrums. Try to maintain a consistent schedule for meals, naps, and bedtime, even when you’re on the go. This familiarity can provide your child with a sense of stability and reduce their stress levels.

Provide Distractions

One effective way to prevent or defuse tantrums is to provide your child with distractions. Bring along a variety of age-appropriate toys, games, or books to keep them entertained during long journeys. You can also engage them in conversation or sing songs to help pass the time.

Here are some great inexpensive travel games and activity books that we like for a long car or airplane ride:

Teach Your Child Coping Strategies

Help your child develop healthy coping strategies for dealing with their emotions. Teach them deep breathing techniques, counting to ten, or other calming methods that can help them self-regulate during a tantrum. These skills can be invaluable not only during travel but also in their everyday lives.

Choose Kid-Friendly Destinations (Whenever Possible)

Selecting destinations and activities that cater to children can make a significant difference in reducing tantrums. 

Look for places with kid-friendly amenities, such as playgrounds, pools, or even childcare services. This can help ensure that your child is engaged and entertained throughout your trip.

Practice Positive Reinforcement

Acknowledge and praise your child for their good behavior during your travels. This positive reinforcement can encourage them to continue behaving well and can help build their self-esteem. Offering small rewards, such as a special treat or extra playtime, can also be an effective motivator.

Seek Support from Fellow Mothers

Connecting with other mothers who have experience dealing with travel tantrums can provide you with valuable advice and support. 

Consider joining online forums or communities like Motherhood Society, where you can share your experiences and learn from others who have faced similar challenges. Surrounding yourself with a supportive network can help you feel more confident and prepared to handle your child’s tantrums during your travels.

Plan in Advance

The best treatment is actually prevention. Plan your trip in such a way to avoid potential tantrums – check out my tips for stress free travelling with kids.

You Can Travel Tantrum-Free

In conclusion, dealing with kids’ travel tantrums can be challenging, but with the right techniques and strategies, you can successfully navigate these difficult moments. 

Remember to understand the reasons behind the tantrums, maintain your composure, show empathy, and establish a routine to help create a more enjoyable travel experience for both you and your child. 

By following these tips and seeking support from fellow mothers, you’ll be well-equipped to handle any tantrums that may arise during your adventures together.

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